The application "Kosmodemyanskaya 11" is ...- Services without queues- Guaranteed information about events- Operational consultations- Transfer of readings- Payment for utility servicesWHAT IS THE "Kosmodemyanskaya 11" APP KNOW?+ CREATION OF APPLICATIONSAn application to the master can be submitted directly from the utility application. No need to search for any numbers.+ NEWS AND ALERTS TO THE GOVERNING ORGANIZATIONAll important notifications, the latest information on smartphones of residents in the "Announcements" section.+ TRANSFER OF INDICATIONSJust enter the current meter readings into your mobile. And all information will automatically go to the UK, HOA+ PAYMENT OF RECEIPTSWhy go to the bank? Pay for utility bills from your smartphone in a minute.+ ANALYSIS OF COSTSThe presence of a payment history allows you to analyze the costs of commercial services.+ ASK A QUESTION TO A GOVERNING ORGANIZATION REPRESENTATIVEAddress your question to a specific specialist from the Housing and Utilities Application.+ RESIDENT SURVEYSExpress your opinion on pressing issues. Take part in the life of the management company, HOA.+ ACCESS TO Housing and Utilities Services ANYWHERE AND AT ANY TIMENo more queuing. All functions of the application are available 24x7.+ OFFER YOUR FUNCTIONDidnt find the function youre looking for? Write to e-mail, and we will implement it!+ SYNCHRONIZATION WITH 1C PROGRAMAll information is transferred to the database of the managing organization (instrument readings, requests for services). And also from the database of the organization of housing and communal services, charges fall into the application of housing and communal services.